BIMTECH-The Business Revolution

BIMTECH-The Business Revolution

March 18, 2019

It is our pleasure to announce our Breakfast Seminar – BIMTECH.

The Barbados Government has announced its intention to transform our island into a digital society but what exactly does that mean for business?

Join us on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 at the Sandals Conference Centre and learn about Barbados’ Vision for a Digital Society and how our way of doing business will be transformed.

Registration is now open and you  may choose one of the following payment methods:

1.) Cash/ cheque paid at the BCCI Secretariat by 4.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 26th March 2019

2.) Cash/ cheque at the event registration desk on Wednesday, 27th March 2019

2) Purchase your ticket online via credit card .

We look forward to sharing this experience with you!

Select your option below: